
Saturday, 17 December 2016

Using vegan leather at -bl^nk-

At bl^nk we are one of the growing numbers of brands that make a conscious decision to use vegan leather in replacement of real leather for our bags, accessories and outerwear trimmings, alongside trying to stick to only using natural or synthetic fibers (cotton/viscose) in our collections. 
As well as making our own decision to not use real leather, a lot of the workers in our factory are vegetarian and do not agree with using animal products, we respect their wishes and only use vegan leather and faux fur if needed for our designs. 
Each year more than 1 billion cows, sheep, pigs, goats and even dogs and cats in some parts of the world are slaughtered for their skin in vulgar conditions, so we are proud to provide consumers with a more humane option. 
This also give us unlimited choice of colour and texture for our collection. Overtime, the technology has very much evolved and vegan leather now has properties that overcome natural leather (such as being light, waterproof and aging very well) in addition to the guilt free feeling!

1 comment:

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